Quotes Compiled - Lao Tzu

"New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings."
-- Lao Tzu --

"Lao Tzu, also rendered as Laozi and Lao-Tze, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions.

"One who belives in himself has no need to convince others."
~~ Lao Tzu

"Express yourself completely, then keep quiet. Be like the forces of nature. When it blows, there is only wind. When it rains, their is only rain. When the clouds pass, the sun shines through."
/  Lao Tzu /

"Amidst the busyness and demands of life,can you find the capacity to hold onto serentiy and stillness?"
~~ Lao Tzu

"Excessive talk and hcatter can drain our energy and clarity, while it is wiser to stay grounded and centred in our thoughts and action."
/ Lao Tzu /

"Those who are right do not argue. Those who argue are not right."
/ Lao Tzu /

"The world belongs to those who let go."
/ Lao-Tzu /

"Do you have the patience to wait till you mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?"
/ Lao-Tzu /

"When th wise man hears of the Tao, he puts it into practice...
When the fools hears of it, he laughs at it;
Indeed, it would not be worthy to  be called the Tao if he did not laugh at it."
/ Lao-Tzu /

"If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living in the present."
~~ Lao Tzu

"Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner."
? Lao Tzu

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
-- Lao Tzu

"The road you can talk about is not the road you can walk on".
- Laozi, Tao Te Ching

The world belongs to those who let go.
--- Lao Tzu

"Lao Tzu, also rendered as Laozi and Lao-Tze, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions.

A semi-legendary figure, Lao Tzu is usually portrayed as a 6th-century BC contemporary of Confucius in the Spring and Autumn period. However, some modern historians consider him to have lived during the Warring States period of the 4th century BC.

A central figure in Chinese culture, Laozi is claimed by both the emperors of the Tang dynasty and modern people of the Li surname as a founder of their lineage. Laozi's work has been embraced by both various anti-authoritarian movements and Chinese Legalism."
'Tao Te Ching'

"When the student is ready the teacher appears. When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears."
/ Lao Tzu /

Act without expectation
-- Lao Tzu

"Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner."
-- Lao Tzu

Nature does not hurry,
Yet everything is accomplished.
-- Lao Tzu

"The road you can talk about is not the road you can walk on".
-- Laozi, Tao Te Ching


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